Backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.
My tutor helped me to increase my overall grade point average. In my English class I was failing, but after receiving help from her, I now have an A average in that class. Now I have techniques and skills that help keep me focused and prepared in high school as well as college. - Yasmeen A

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Comprehensive Analytics
High school is a pivotal time in a young man or woman’s life. School turns into a high-stakes environment that is often competitive and usually demanding. Students’ futures depend on their ability to successfully confront a range of academic and emotional difficulties.
At LA Tutors 123, we recognize the critical importance of addressing these challenges, so we tutor with the goal of helping high-school students understand not just their academics, but themselves. Our personalized teaching methods adapt to our students and their learning styles, ensuring they get the most out of instruction time. With our emphases on both immediate results and underlying concepts, students make short-term and long-term gains, raising their grades and picking up skills that will serve them in the rest of academia and beyond. With the help of our high-school tutors, our students learn to learn, mastering not just one topic, but all of them.
University of Virginia
B.A. in Political and Social Thought
Hand-Picked High School Tutors
We will match your high-schooler with a tutor who will fit your schedule and your needs. Our numerous instructors who specialize in high-school tutoring enjoy working with teenagers and can teach multiple subjects at an expert level. Tutors average 5 years of experience teaching young men and women—helping them from the first day of freshman year to the end of the college-admissions process.
Guaranteed Results
Over the last decade, we have helped hundreds of students discover new interests, master difficult subjects, and learn how to learn. In fact, we are so confident that you will be happy with your results that we offer a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee*.
*Restrictions apply, please click here for more details.
Personalized Game Plan
Below is an example of three individualized curricula we offer for High School support.
1-2 Months Instruction Time
Ideal for students looking for a short-term boost in a single subject, or comprehensive help on a single project or test.
2-4 Months Instruction Time
Ideal for students looking for help in one subject across a quarter or semester, or comprehensive help on multiple major projects.
3-6 Months Instruction Time
Ideal for students looking for help in one subject across a semester plus additional preparation for tests and projects, or students looking for short-term help in multiple subjects.