Three scary letters: S-A-T. And, no, I don’t mean the abbreviation for the word “Saturday.” I mean the standardized test high-schoolers take to obtain admission to colleges and universities. Talk to almost anybody who’s taken it and almost anybody who’s about to take it, and you’ll realize that fear plays huge, memorable part in the…
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Stacy Blackman has been consulting on the MBA applications process since 2001 and has since helped thousands of candidates get into the top business schools around the world. In addition to consulting, Stacy writes the “Strictly Business MBA Blog” for U.S. News and is the co-author of “The MBA Application Roadmap: The Essential Guide to…
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Like so many potentially frustrating questions on the GMAT, sentence correction questions can best be approached methodically and patiently. Armored with a bit of knowledge and training, any GMAT test taker will find it possible to move through these questions with efficiency and ease. Indeed, with the right preparation, your performance on sentence corrections might…
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Vanessa Van Edwards is an accomplished author, speaker, and youthologist. What’s a youthologist you ask? As described on her site, Radical Parenting, a youthologist is “someone who studies, follows, and observes youth trends, activities and issues.” Vanessa is passionate about empowering teens and tweens and helping parents and kids connect through open communication. That is…
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Number properties questions are more common on the GMAT Quantitative section than most test-takers would like. In all the years I’ve spent teaching and tutoring this test, I’ve seen few questions approached with more apprehension and dread than questions concerning number properties. This is unfortunate principally because these questions are not at all difficult when…
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