What is the ISEE? The ISEE is a test required as part of the application to many independent schools. It is administered by the Educational Records Bureau. How much does it “count?” The test is one factor in the school’s admissions process, but some schools will weigh it more heavily than others. The best way…
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This guest post was written by BHHS College Counselor Casey Rowley. It’s college acceptance time and as the decisions roll in (for better or for worse), there is something worth noting. Students often feel as if their future has been altered if they don’t get into their dream school. As a college counselor, I hear this…
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You’ve probably heard the solid advice that you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to prepare for college admissions tests. But when is the right time to prep for the SAT or ACT? Here are some thoughts to consider: Most students on a college-prep track have learned the academic content of the tests by the…
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For students with disabilities, applying for and receiving accommodations for College Board exams (including the PSAT, SAT, and AP tests) has been a daunting task--sometimes more daunting than actually taking the tests! Parents and school administrators often had to submit extensive documentation, and even then sometimes the request was denied and would have to be…
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With the recent release of PSAT/NMSQT score reports, many students are asking the same question: Did I get a good score? This is often followed by turning to one’s friends and asking the inevitable next question: What score did you get? Before you either announce your score to the world or bow your head in…
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