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100 Day Check In: How Parents Can Build on Strengths and Address Student Needs for the Remainder of the School Year

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Study Skills
During the month of February, schools around the country celebrate the 100th Day of School. Activities range from art projects using 100 items, dressing like a 100-year-old, and math lessons in which students add and multiply to reach 100. For parents, the 100th day of school is also a great time to gauge student progress…
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Man in black long sleeved shirt talking to a woman

Acing the Private School Interview – 10 Questions with Admissions Consultant Gaby Fogelsen

By Elementary School, High School, Interviews with Educators, Middle School
1. What time of year do private school interviews generally take place? They start at the beginning of October and go through the end of January, since many schools have application deadlines in December or early January. 2. How do admissions personnel typically structure the interviews? Every school varies in their approach to interviews, but…
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Child sitting in class with mask on

Our Nation’s Report Card

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School
Every year, the Institute of Education Sciences (a division of the Department of Education) releases a National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as the Nation’s Report Card. The report assesses educational preparedness in core subjects, such as math and English, and allows government officials, school districts, and other relevant parties to shape educational policy.…
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Man in Blue Red and White Plaid Dress Shirt Holding a Book

What do I Need to Know if I Want to go Standardized Test-Free?

By ACT, College Admissions, High School, ISEE, Middle School, SAT, SSAT, Test Prep
Since the pandemic, many schools have reconsidered their requirements for the ACT/SAT tests. There is some indication that this reevaluation goes deeper than COVID and consideration for students that are unable to test or unwilling to test in the format that is available for them. For this reason, it is useful to think about what…
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