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Mother and child dressed up sitting in chairs in front of a woman interviewing them

Interview with an Admissions Consultant, Lisa: Everything You Need to Know to Get Ahead

By Elementary School, High School, HSPT, Interviews with Educators, ISEE, Middle School, Test Prep
Navigating the private school admissions process can feel overwhelming, but with the right approach and preparation, families can find the best fit for their child. This interview with Lisa Marfisi, a seasoned expert in Los Angeles private school admissions, provides valuable insights into navigating the application process. 1. When should families start the private school…
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Student typing at a laptop with two students in the background typing as well at a table

The Digital SAT Test-Taking Experience and Recent Practice Test Updates

By Accommodations, ACT, College Admissions, High School, Practice Tests, SAT, Study Skills, Test Prep
Unlike the ACT, which is in transition, the SAT has already gone fully digital. Fortunately, you can download the actual Bluebook app on which you will take the test and access free official practice tests with the same format and types of questions. On test day, you will either use your own device (with all…
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Two students sitting at a desk looking down at their papers while taking a test

Science Section No Longer Required! Big Changes Coming to the ACT

By ACT, College Admissions, High School, SAT, Test Prep
Throughout the years, the ACT has been the paragon of consistency. While the SAT went through multiple iterations—adding a Writing section and making it out of 2400, revamping the entire test and changing it back to 1600, making the Essay optional, dropping the Essay altogether, and then completely revamping it again with no essay and…
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