Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.
Why choose LA Tutors 123?
Connect with one of our expert ACT prep tutor experts who can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the ACT.
Study smarter, not harder.
Complete our full-length ACT diagnostic test to gauge your strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll create an adaptable learning plan customized specifically for you. Simple. And somewhat magical.
Because every student is unique in how they learn, we hand pick one of our ACT prep experts based on location, personality, and availability. Our ACT tutors have helped hundreds of students get into their dream schools.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing we stand behind our service. We guarantee you and your student will be 100% satisfied with your experience and the results achieved.
Top ACT Experts Delivering Top Scores
How do we know you’ll get a great ACT tutor or instructor? Well, we only choose to work with the absolute best, which starts with an intensive vetting process (interviews, background checks, simulated tutoring sessions). Then we hand pick the right one based on location, specific needs and personality.
Brown University
12 Years of Tutoring Experience
Dartmouth College
6 Years of Tutoring Experience
Oberlin College
5 Years of Tutoring Experience
Our Students Excel at These Fine Schools
Boston College
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Columbia University
Cornell University
Harvard University
John Hopkins University
Loyola Marymount University
New York University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of Chicago
University of Southern California
Yale University
. . . and many other top universities
NOTE: The ACT is in the middle of its transition to digital testing. Starting in April 2025, test takers in the United States can choose to take the ACT on the computer or on paper. The computer-based test is slightly shorter and the Science section is optional.
1. How many sections does the ACT have?
5 total – 2 verbal, 1 math, 1 science (optional on digital test), and 1 optional essay
Section | Questions and Time, Paper | Questions and Time, Digital |
Section 1 (English) | 75 questions, 45 mins. | 50 questions, 35 mins. |
Section 2 (Mathematics) | 60 questions, 60 mins. | 45 questions, 50 mins. |
—–BREAK—– | 10 minutes | 10 minutes |
Section 3 (Reading) | 40 questions, 35 mins. | 36 questions, 40 mins. |
Section 4 (Science): OPTIONAL FOR DIGITAL TEST | 40 questions, 35 mins. | 40 questions, 35 mins. |
—–BREAK—– | – | 5 minutes |
Section 5 (Writing): OPTIONAL | 1 question, 40 mins. | 1 question, 40 mins. |
2. How many times can my child take the ACT?
As many times as you would like! Most students will take the ACT 2-3 times during their 11th grade and 12th grade years.
3. How is the ACT scored?
Each section of the ACT is scored out of 36, and then averaged together to get a composite score. There is also an optional essay section.
4. How is the essay scored?
The optional essay is scored in 4 categories (Ideas & Analysis, Development & Support, Organization, and Language use) on a scale of 2-12, and then averaged to get your overall essay score. A rubric is available from the ACT website here.
5. What is a good ACT score?
Test scores only make up a component of college admissions, but top 20 schools in Los Angeles such as UCLA and USC typically look for scores in the 29-34 range from their applicants. Less competitive schools like Pepperdine will typically look for scores in the 26-31 range.
6. Where do I find ACT practice tests?
Most prep books will have a few practice tests included, but some may vary in difficulty and accuracy. For the paper test, The Official ACT Prep Guide is the only official book created by ACT. For the digital test, you can download the TestNav app to practice with a free digital practice test. TestNav currently uses the old, paper test format, so you can find the digital test format on the ACT website under “Full Length Practice Tests.” You can also take paper practice tests at home with our free diagnostic test and proctored videos, where a recorded proctor will time your sections, announce remaining time, and coordinate breaks: Proctored ACT Practice Test Video.
7. When should I start studying for the ACT?
Once you’ve taken a practice test and have an idea of your baseline score, you should plan around how much improvement you’d like to see. Most students will prep at least a few months before their test, and review for 1-2 months before their second and/or third sittings.
Personalized Game Plan
Below is an example of four individualized curricula we offer for ACT test preparation.
2-5 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students who want an ACT crash course in test-prep strategy, would like to focus on one section of the ACT, are looking to make short-term gains, or have limited time.
5-10 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students close to their target score who want basic help on the ACT essentials, or extensive tutoring on one to two sections.
2-4 Months Prep Time
Ideal for students who want a comprehensive review of the entire ACT test, including test-taking strategies, and are looking for a significant score increase.
3-5 Months Prep Time
Ideal for students who want extensive help with the entire ACT test, including test-taking strategies and all academic content, and are looking to maximize their score increase.
See What Our Students Have to Say
I worked with LA Tutors to help me prepare for the ACT, and I couldn't be happier. I worked with Negin, who was very helpful and extremely patient with me. Before I was averaging a 30 on the ACT, but by the end, my score went up by three points. Everyone at LA Tutors was helpful, even Arash, who consistently checked up on my progress and kept in touch with my parents and myself. Overall, I would definitely recommend working with LA Tutors.

Kamran R.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Due to my family's financial struggles, LA Tutors provided me with a full scholarship tutoring course and helped me reach my ACT goal. I started off with a 25 and ended up scoring my personal goal of a 30 on the real exam. Their individualized tutoring helps target the exact areas you need to work on and my tutor, Linda, was great! She gave me the tools to grow and tips/tricks for test day. Thank you so much to everyone at LA Tutors!

Ariel V.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chloe and I both have great appreciation and respect for each tutor who met with her, not only for their knowledge base and subject matter expertise but for their ability to understand and approach learning on a very individual level. Tutoring definitely helped and it showed - she scored in the 99th percentile on her ACT! The knowledge and skills accumulated with LA Tutors not only prepared my child extremely well for standardized testing but set her up for success in college and beyond.

Jillisa S.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After taking both the SAT and ACT practice tests, we decided to work on the ACT which was a better fit. I worked with LA Tutors to help me prepare for the test, and I couldn't be happier. Chris and Albert were my tutors, who were very knowledgeable and extremely patient with me. Before tutoring I scored 27 on the ACT, but by the end, my score went up to 34, a 7-point improvement. Everyone at LA Tutors was helpful and consistently checked up on my progress and kept in touch with my parents. Overall, I would recommend working with LA Tutors to all my friends and family members.

Jessica K.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Veronica had a couple of questions on the math problems in the practice test as well as some of the simplifying complex number problems, so we worked on those together. Overall, she is doing well with the material and even though the material can be quite difficult, she puts in great effort! She has a great habit of writing out all of her work, which can be difficult to get students to do.

Gavin L.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mallory continues to improve fast! Today, she did an entire grammar passage (fifteen questions) without a single mistake. Science is on the rise as well. Her speed of solving math questions is becoming quite impressive. There's a bit more work to do in reading and writing. The first essay she had written at home had a solid central idea but lacked specifics. We'll spend more time on that over the next few weeks.

Theo P.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I tried a new approach with Chloe's science section, as the first few passes through exercises we caught several mistakes per simulation. I had her actively reading and annotating the diagrams with reference to axes/labels and relationships between the graphs. This resulted in 100% accuracy on two simulations back to back, which was a huge success. Great work and progress!

Bladi D.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Adam worked on the math and english sections of the ACT. I have great faith in Adam's ability to bring his score up on test day. Adam is bright and has solid mathematical reasoning skills; his main problem right now is not reading the questions carefully enough, which causes him to solve for the wrong unknown.

Ema H.
★ ★ ★ ★