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Award-Winning HiSET Test Prep Tutors

Learn from the best In-Home and Online HiSET Instructors

Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.

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95% Passing Rate

100% Satisfied Clients

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Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.

Why choose LA Tutors 123?

Connect with one of our expert California HiSET Proficiency Exams for the California Proficiency Program (CPP) test prep experts who can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the test. Study smarter, not harder.


Complete our short or full-length HiSET diagnostic test to gauge your strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll create an adaptable learning plan customized specifically for you. Simple. And somewhat magical.

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Because every student is unique, we hand pick one of our HiSET experts based on location, personality, and availability. Our test prep tutors have helped hundreds of students get into their dream schools.

CPP Experts


Enjoy peace of mind knowing we stand behind our service. We guarantee you and your student will be 100% satisfied with your experience and the results achieved.

Success Stories

Top CPP Experts Delivering Top Scores

How do we know you’ll get a great HiSET tutor or instructor? Well, we only choose to work with the absolute best, which starts with an intensive vetting process (interviews, background checks, simulated tutoring sessions). Then we hand pick the right one based on location, specific needs and personality.

Josh O.


Yale University
11 Years of Tutoring Experience

Shellby B.


University of Alabama
9 Years of Tutoring Experience

Gray W.


University of Virginia
10 Years of Tutoring Experience


1. What is the CPP? Do I need to take the CPP?

The California Proficiency Program (CPP) is a high school equivalency test which replaced California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) in 2023. The CPP utilizes the State Board of Education approved HiSET® subtests for language arts and mathematics to measure proficiency. Passing the CPP is the same as getting a high school diploma. You may want to take the CPP if you would like to move forward with your career without having to worry about your high school requirements. You may also want to take the CPP if you want to skip high school and go straight to a community college like Santa Monica College or Pierce College. For the most up-to-date information, visit the California Department of Education website here.

2. What’s the difference between the CPP and HiSET?

The HiSET is a nationwide test and is typically limited to those 18 years or older. It includes 5 sections: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. The CPP can be taken by any student 16 years or older who will have completed 10th grade by the end of the semester in which he/she sits the test. It includes only three sections of the HiSET exam, Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, but the passing score for each section is higher for the CPP than for test-takers taking the test outside of the CPP program. 

3. How many sections/subtests does the HiSET have?

  • 3 sections:
    • Language Arts (Reading)
    • Language Arts (Writing)
    • Mathematics

4. How long is the HiSET?

  •  4 hrs 35 min (English) or 4 hrs 50 min (Spanish)
    • Language Arts (Reading) – 65 min (English) or 80 min (Spanish)
    • Language Arts (Writing) – 120 min
    • Mathematics – 90 min

5. Can I take the CPP more than once?

Yes. You can take all subtests of the HiSET up to 3 times per calendar year. If you pass one or two sections, you keep your passing score(s) and only need to retest the section(s) you did not pass. 

6. What is a passing score on the HiSET for the CPP?

    • A score of at least 15 out of 20 on each of the three individual tests.
    • A score of at least 4 out of 6 on the essay portion of the Writing test.

7. What is the cost of the HiSET?

    • Paper or computer test at a test center: $130/section ($390 total)
    • Computer test from home: $133.50/section ($400.50 total)

The test fee includes the cost of one printed transcript and one printed certificate. Retakes are the same cost as the first attempt.

8. Where can I find HiSET practice tests?

You can find free, shortened HiSET practice tests in both paper and digital format here. You may also purchase additional practice tests here. 

Personalized Game Plan

Below is an example of four individualized curricula we offer for HiSET test preparation.


2-5 Weeks Prep Time

Ideal for students who want an CPP crash course in test-prep strategy, would like to focus on one section of the CPP, are looking to make short-term gains, or have limited time.


5-10 Weeks Prep Time

Ideal for students close to their target score who want basic help on the CPP essentials, or extensive tutoring on one to two sections.


2-4 Months Prep Time

Ideal for students who want a comprehensive review of the entire CPP test, including test-taking strategies, and are looking for a significant score increase.


3-5 Months Prep Time

Ideal for students who want extensive help with the entire CPP test, including test-taking strategies and all academic content, and are looking to maximize their score increase.

See What Our Students Have to Say

My kid and math are mortal enemies. He had already failed algebra three times in regular high school (is that a record?). After using other tutors with no success, I found LA Tutors. My son worked with an excellent tutor for about 2 months. The tutor was mature, focused, and explained things clearly. Just today we found out my son PASSED the exam. Hallelujah!!

Lori E

Lori E.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Victoria and I reviewed her diagnostic exam. Though she had trouble with a few math concepts like converting percentages into fractions, she has a solid foundation in all the sections. Since math and reading were her weakest scores, I want to focus on those because with a little practice she can pass this test!

Chris W

Chris W.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Jacob and I discussed his homework and I gave him notes on his essay. He aced his conversions quiz which was great to see! We'll continue to move on to new math concepts and begin doing diagnostics soon.

Angela B

Angela B.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We finished the second half of the practice test and went over a couple word problems with percentages and ratios. Katrina's math has very much improved since our time working together and she is much more comfortable with simpler calculations.

Rachel D

Rachel D.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ella and I went over the homework and reviewed material as we went along. Ella seems to be doing pretty well with the new concepts and only has a couple of questions she needs help with in the math section. We continued to go through more concepts in our book, including percentage based problems. With continued practice, she should be able to do well on the exam.

Gavin L

Gavin L.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We spent most of our session going over Talia's last practice test, which had gone well overall despite a few mishaps due to bad timing and a considerable bubbling displacement. We discussed how these can be avoided with a good timing strategy and abundant proofreading. I am very proud of where Talia has gotten in just over one week, and I'm hopeful that with a good night's sleep and positive attitude she will pass all sections of the test!

Theo P.

Theo P..

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I enjoyed meeting and working with Connor today. We started off by going through his diagnostic test and discussing the questions he missed. We then discussed his essay. He demonstrated strong writing skills in the shorter writing sample, but on the test he'll be expected to write a full essay. I suggest that between now and the test date Connor complete the two practice tests provided. Looking forward to working with Connor again!

Katherine F

Katherine F.

★ ★ ★ ★

Kami and I made more progress on our overview in the math section. We found that she needed the most work with factoring quadratics and finding their solutions. We are going to continue this review, as well as adding in data and statistical word problems. She is learning to employ the factorial notation in probability situations as well. She has been diligent with homework assignments and is staying on track!

Bladi B

Bladi B.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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veteran CPP test prep tutor!

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