Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.
Why choose LA Tutors 123?
Connect with one of our seasoned HSPT prep experts who can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the HSPT.
Study smarter, not harder.
Complete our HSPT diagnostic test and we’ll create an adaptable learning plan customized specifically for you. Simple. And somewhat magical.
Because every student learns differently, we select your HSPT expert based on teaching style, location, personality, and availability.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing we stand behind our service. We guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with your experience and the results achieved.
Our educational consultant will help you select your best fit schools, prepare your ideal application, and demystify the interview process.
Top HSPT Experts Delivering Top Scores
How do you know you’ll get a great HSPT tutor or instructor? Well, we only choose to work with the absolute best, which starts with an intensive vetting process (interviews, background checks, simulated tutoring sessions). Then we hand pick the right tutor based on location, specific needs and personality.
Harvard University
9 Years of Tutoring Experience
University of California, Los Angeles
10 Years of Tutoring Experience
State University of New York
11 Years of Tutoring Experience
Our Students Excel at These Fine Schools
1. How many sections does the HSPT have? 5
- Verbal Skills
- Quantitative Skills
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Language
2. What is the difference between the HSPT, ISEE, and SSAT?
The HSPT is the entrance exam most commonly used by Catholic schools in Los Angeles such as Loyola and Notre Dame, whereas the ISEE and SSAT are typically used for independent (private) schools like Harvard-Westlake. For more information, check out our HSPT vs. ISEE vs. SSAT blog post.
3. Where/when should my child take the HSPT?
There is no official testing site for the HSPT. Each school administers the HSPT as a part of their application process, so you should check with the schools to which you’re applying to find out when they will be administering the test. You should typically try to take the test at your first-choice school.
4. Can I take the HSPT more than once?
Yes, you may take the HSPT more than once, but according to the creators of the HSPT, if you take the test more than once, your lower score will be used.
5. When should my child start studying for the HSPT?
While some students pick up on test-taking strategies more quickly than others, you should plan on a couple months of prep time to adequately review the test format and question types covered on the test. If you know that standardized tests are a weakness, you may want to dedicate 3-4 months of preparation.
6. Where do I find HSPT practice tests?
LA Tutors offers free diagnostic tests for potential clients, and full-length practice tests for current clients. You can sign up for the diagnostic here: Diagnostic HSPT Registration. You can also take practice tests at home with our free proctored videos, where a recorded proctor will time your sections, announce remaining time, and coordinate breaks: Proctored HSPT Practice Test Videos
Personalized Game Plan
Below is an example of four individualized curricula we offer for HSPT test preparation.
2-5 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students who want an HSPT crash course in test-prep strategy, would like to focus on one section of the HSPT, are looking to make short-term gains, or have limited time.
5-10 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students close to their target score who want basic help on the HSPT essentials, or extensive tutoring on one to two sections.
2-4 Months Prep Time
Ideal for students who want a comprehensive review of the entire HSPT test, including test-taking strategies, and are looking for a significant score increase.
3-5 Months Prep Time
Ideal for students who want extensive help with the entire HSPT test, including test-taking strategies, all academic content, and are looking to maximize their score increase.
See What Our Students Have to Say
Our son Arik took his initial diagnostic test 2.5 months before his HSPT test. His scores went from about 65% to 97% in almost all categories. We are so pleased with our experience at LA Tutors. Not only did we get amazing results, but the personal service and dedication to the tutoring was outstanding. Thank you so much!

Karin L.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My tutor Jeremy was great! I spent 5 sessions with him over 2 months and he gave me a few practice tests which let him pinpoint the areas where I could improve. On the day of the test, I felt prepared and relaxed and scored well above the 95th percentile. Thank you LA Tutors. We'll be calling you when it's time to prepare for the SAT.

Tyler B.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jackson and I practiced multiple pages of math problems found on the HSPT. His percentage correct has improved greatly, and he is getting better at showing his work to support his answers. Most of the mistakes he was able to fix on his own, only a few problems involved math concepts he was a little unsure of (which we corrected together).

Armen S.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We reviewed decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Sam has a great command of these concepts - a quick review of decimal point placement ensured he was solid on this front. We then reviewed conversion of decimals/fractions/percents. Sam again mastered this quickly once we reviewed it.

Cordelia I.
★ ★ ★ ★
Malachi mentioned he was constantly thinking about the time so we talked about timing strategies and not taking too long on one problem. We worked on writing in categories for each answer choice to find which belong together. I checked Malachi's understanding of the words he was given to study and was very impressed with how well he knew them. Great job on vocab study!

Meggie S.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Had a great session with Miranda today! We focused on applying exponent rules for her upcoming test. She knows and understands all of the rules, but was making a handful of errors by working too quickly and/or doing multiple steps at once. I gave her a few more complicated problems to work on. If she can do those confidently, she should have no problem with the real test on Monday.

Ted S.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Adrian worked well today and showed improvement in every section of the exam, except for vocabulary. We are now working for speed, since the ultimate goal is to get through the end of every section, even if he skips a few questions along the way!

Theo P.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We reviewed each section of the practice HSPT and went over all the strategies and what concepts she should skip for now on the Math. Emily did much better on the Verbal today and has significantly improved in the Mathematics section.

Rachel D.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★