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Award-Winning ISEE Test Prep Tutors

Learn from the best In-Home and Online ISEE Instructors

Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.

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+2.5 Average Stanine Point Improvement

1,500+ students accepted to their #1 school choice

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Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.

Why choose LA Tutors 123?

Connect with one of our veteran ISEE test prep experts who can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the ISEE. Study smarter, not harder.


Complete our ISEE diagnostic test and we’ll create an adaptable learning plan customized specifically for you. Simple. And somewhat magical.

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Because every student learns differently, we select your ISEE expert based on teaching style, location, personality, and availability.

ISEE Experts


Enjoy peace of mind knowing we stand behind our service. We guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with your experience and the results achieved.

Success Stories
Admissions Consulting


Our educational consultant will help you select your best fit schools, prepare your ideal application, and demystify the interview process.

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Top ISEE Experts Delivering Top Scores

How do you know you’ll get a great ISEE tutor or instructor? Well, we only choose to work with the absolute best, which starts with an intensive vetting process (interviews, background checks, simulated tutoring sessions). Then we hand pick the right tutor based on location, specific needs, and personality.

Jeremy R.


Harvard University
20 Years of Tutoring Experience

Theo P.


Princeton University
11 Years of Tutoring Experience

Dara E.


Brown University
5 Years of Tutoring Experience

Our Students Excel at These Fine Schools

The Archer School For Girls Brentwood School The Buckley School Campbell Hall Episcopal Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences Geffen Academy UCLA Harvard-Westlake School Marlborough School Marymount High School Milken Community Schools New Roads School Oakwood School Polytechnic School Windward School


1. How many levels does the ISEE have? 4

Primary Lower Middle Upper
Entrance to grades 2-4 Entrance to grades 5-6 Entrance to grades 7-8 Entrance to grades 9-12

2. How many sections does the ISEE have? 5

  • Verbal
  • Quantitative
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Math Achievement
  • Essay (unscored)

3. Why is the ISEE so difficult?

  • It’s fast-paced (~1 question per minute)
  • It’s long (over 2 hours for lower, middle and upper level)
  • It contains many above-grade-level questions and concepts
  • The percentile and stanine scores stem from a highly competitive group of students with higher average achievement than the general school population

4. How many times can my child take the ISEE?

ERB policies allow students to take the test once per testing season:

Families may review their scores before sending them to a school.

5. When and where should my child take the ISEE?

Students in the Los Angeles area have multiple test dates and locations to choose from for the paper test, including Sundays. Computer-based tests are administered at a Prometric Test Center (locations include Culver City and Glendale) or through a test-at-home program with an online proctor. Most students will take the test twice – once in October or November, and once more in December or January in time for their individual school deadlines.

6. How’s the ISEE scored?

Most schools look most closely at the stanine, a score based on a student’s percentile rank when compared to students in the same grade:

Stanine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Percentile 1-3 4-10 11-22 23-39 40-59 60-76 77-88 89-95 96-99

7. What are the most competitive schools in LA? What’s a “good” score for those schools?

Los Angeles is home to several competitive schools, such as Harvard-Westlake, Marlborough, and Pasadena Polytechnic. While test scores are just one factor in the admissions process, most students who get into these schools score in the top stanines (7-9). Fortunately, Los Angeles has many schools to choose from that work with students at all levels, so any student can find a good-fit school. For those hoping to gain entrance to a highly selective school, however, a top ISEE score only helps the application.

8. Where do I find ISEE practice tests?

LA Tutors offers free diagnostic tests for current and potential clients, along with full-length practice tests for clients. You can sign up for the diagnostic here: Diagnostic ISEE Registration. You can take practice tests at home with our free proctored videos, where a recorded proctor will time your sections, announce remaining time, and coordinate breaks: Proctored ISEE Practice Test Videos

Personalized Game Plan

Below is an example of four individualized curricula we offer for ISEE test preparation.


2-5 Weeks Prep Time

Ideal for students who want an ISEE crash course in test-prep strategy, would like to focus on one section of the ISEE, are looking to make short-term gains, or have limited time.


5-10 Weeks Prep Time

Ideal for students close to their target score who want basic help on the ISEE essentials, or extensive tutoring on one to two sections.


2-4 Months Prep Time

Ideal for students who want a comprehensive review of the entire ISEE test, including test-taking strategies, and are looking for a significant score increase.


3-5 Months Prep Time

Ideal for students who want extensive help with the entire ISEE test, including test-taking strategies, all academic content, and are looking to maximize their score increase.

See What Our Students Have to Say

Working with LA Tutors has been a great experience for my daughter and our family. They are very knowledgeable in testing strategies for the ISEE, and have an exceptional group of tutors from the best educational institutions in the country. Her test scores improved within a few weeks and she received very high scores on the ISEE exam. We are very pleased with the service we received from LA Tutors and plan to continue working with them in the future.

David K

David K.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I studied with Theo for about 2 months. Theo was very patient with me and did a great job of making difficult concepts clear to me. On the day of the test, I was relaxed and confident and my scores on the real ISEE were higher than I ever thought they could be! My mom did a lot of research before determining that LA Tutors was the right company for me. I am very glad she did! We highly recommend LA Tutors to anyone who needs a tutor.

Ashton E

Ashton E.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

When our son Max had 2 weeks to prepare for his ISEE exams, we contacted LA Tutors and Arash responded immediately. Within one day Max was engaged in an intense tutoring course with the amazing Angela. Miraculously, when the day came, Max’s practice math and quant scores increased from 2/3’s to 7’s and he scored in the 87% percentile on reading comprehension. We recommend Arash and LA Tutors to anyone looking to improve their children's ISEE performance and potential however short the preparation period.

Alastair B

Alastair B.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

When I reached out to Arash at LA Tutors, my daughter was scoring 2’s in the math sections on her practice ISEE tests. He set up a realistic tutoring schedule and hooked us up with the super tutor, Theo, who not only taught the concepts, but encouraged Sydney and kept us all sane! I truly felt like I had a dream team behind us. In two short months, she pulled her math scores up to 5’s and 6’s and her Verbal Reasoning was almost perfect with an 8! LA Tutors gave our daughter a newfound confidence in herself!
We couldn’t be happier!

Whitney S

Whitney S.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We were so pleased with our experience with LA Tutors. Kiera worked with Sophia for 2 months to prepare for the Upper Level ISEE and raised her scores significantly. They offered an extremely comprehensive and personalized program, identifying Kiera’s weaknesses, and working with her to develop and strengthen her skills. We were thrilled with Kiera’s final test results. We feel that she really learned in her time with Sophia – growing as a student in ways that will benefit her forever.

Kiera M

Kiera M.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

When we had three months to prepare for the ISEE test, LA Tutors conducted preliminary testing to identify areas where time could be spent most effectively. Michael was assigned as our tutor -- his knowledge of what to expect on the ISEE test was extremely valuable and allowed him to spend time where it was most effective. Our daughter is very good at math but some of the concepts included in the ISEE test had not been covered at her school. We will definitely use them in the future for test preparation.

Charles and Lei S

Charles and Lei S.

★ ★ ★ ★

Gavin at LA Tutors met with me one-on-one in my home. He was very pleasant, very patient, and very clear in explaining concepts. He also gave me a lot of test-taking strategies and practice tests. My stanine scores went up by over 3 points on all sections compared to my initial scores. I also learned strategies and concepts that I apply in school, so LA Tutors was a win for me. A big thumbs UP!!!

Elliot H

Elliot H.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

In my time with LA Tutors I learned a lot about the ISEE in a very short amount of time. I raised my scores from 6’s to 8’s and 9’s. I was able to get in Loyola High School, my first choice. Overall, I had a great experience with LA Tutors; Arash paid detailed attention to my progress and was always available if we had questions. I cannot recommend LA Tutors highly enough!

Gabriel B

Gabriel B.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Call us today to get started with a
professional ISEE test prep tutor!

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