Customized tutoring backed by our Score Improvement Guarantee and 100% Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee.
Why choose LA Tutors 123?
Connect with one of our veteran CBEST prep experts who can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the CBEST.
Study smarter, not harder.
Complete our CBEST diagnostic test to gauge strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll create an adaptable learning plan customized specifically for you. Simple. And somewhat magical.
Because every student is unique in how they learn, we hand pick one of our CBEST experts based on personality, location, and availability. Our CBEST tutors have helped hundreds of students get into their dream schools.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing we stand behind our service. We guarantee you and your student will be 100% satisfied with your experience and the results achieved.
Top CBEST Experts Delivering Top Scores
How do you know you’ll get a great tutor or instructor? Well, we only choose to work with the absolute best, which starts with an intensive vetting process (interviews, background checks, simulated tutoring sessions). Then we hand pick the right tutor based on location, specific needs, and personality.
University of California, Los Angeles
10 Years of Tutoring Experience
George Washington University
10 Years of Tutoring Experience
Loyola Marymount University
15 Years of Tutoring Experience
1. What is the difference between the CSET and CBEST?
The CBEST meets the “Basic Skills Requirement” for California teachers and substitutes. It tests Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Writing skills, while the CSET Multiple Subject Test includes a wider breadth of subjects (including History, Science, Visual and Performing Arts, Human Development, and Physical Education). The CSET is also required for many student teaching and credential programs, but the CBEST alone can suffice for a substitute teaching credential. There is a large demand for substitutes in the Los Angeles Unified School District, along with smaller districts like Santa Monica-Malibu, Culver City, and Beverly Hills, so a CBEST credential can be very helpful for aspiring teachers.
2. Do I have to take the CBEST?
There are several ways to meet the “Basic Skills Requirement” for California teachers, including meeting a minimum SAT or ACT score, so you should check here before deciding which option to pursue. If you haven’t, the CBEST may be the easiest way to qualify for a graduate teaching and credential program, such as Pepperdine, Occidental, and Cal State Los Angeles.
3. How many sections are there?
Three sections which may be taken together or separately:
Section | # of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 50 multiple-choice questions |
Writing | 2 essay responses (one opinion/persuasive essay, one personal experience essay) |
Mathematics | 50 multiple-choice questions |
4. When is the test offered?
The test is offered year-round at computer testing centers, with several locations in the Los Angeles area. The paper CBEST test has been phased out, so all students must take the test electronically. You can search for a test center here.
5. How many do I need to get correct to pass?
A passing scaled score for each individual section is 41, or 123 total for all three sections. The minimum passing score for a section is 37. There are no official guidelines for how this translates from the percentage of questions correct, but students scoring lower than 75% on practice tests should do additional preparation.
6. When do I get my scores back?
Results are released 1-2 weeks after testing.
7. Where can I find practice tests?
The test’s official website issues one free practice test. CliffsNotes and Princeton Review also publish decent practice tests.
Personalized Game Plan
Below is an example of four individualized curricula we offer for CBEST test preparation.
2-5 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students who want an CBEST crash course in test-prep strategy, would like to focus on one section of the CBEST, are looking to make short-term gains, or have limited time.
5-10 Weeks Prep Time
Ideal for students close to their target score who want basic help on the CBEST essentials, or extensive tutoring on one to two sections.
2-4 Months Prep Time
Ideal for students who want a comprehensive review of the entire CBEST test, including test-taking strategies, and are looking for a significant score increase.